Category: Hanga | Create

My Acrostic Poem!

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today we will be talking about my acrostic poem, Let’s go!

So in week 9 term 2 we made a poem for RE and its based about nature. I chose to do an acrostic poem because its laid out in a nice way. I chose flower as my word because its decently long but not too long. I’m happy with the final result and I think it looks great! Here it is:

Have you ever made an acrostic poem?

The Groynes

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today we will be talking about the Groynes, Lets go!

On June 18 2024 I went to the Groynes for about 2 hours. I went with 20 other classmates and it was really fun! First we went for a walk around and talked about the native trees, There were about 7 native trees we talked about and they were really interesting. One of the trees smells like mint, One you can eat the leaves and one of them spreads super fast! After the walk we learnt about the bugs in the water and we did an activity where we fish out the bugs and sort them into boxes. After that we ate morning tea and looked at the scenery and then after that we played a game. The game was about the food chain in the water so the water boatman eats the water plant and gets eaten by a bigger bug which gets eaten by ducks. I was the bigger bug and it was fun seeing the water boatman die out because of me. Thankfully I only had one predator and that predator never killed me. In the end we all ended up dying because the water boatman drank polluted water which killed the bigger bug which killed the duck which killed the water plant because of overpopulation. That’s a lesson that littering can kill an entire food chain and storm drains only make it worse. After the trip it was really muddy and dirty but I think it was worth it in the end and you should try it! If you want to see what it looked like here it is:

Coming soon…

Have you ever been to the Groynes?

Marine Habitats

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I will be talking about my Marine Habitats, lets go!

this week we have been learning about underwater and above water habitats. We learnt alot about habitats and we even made a food chain of a doc, here it is if you want to see it:

What do you know about habitats?

Delightful Division

It’s week 1 term 4 2023 and our maths has changed. Now we have creates instead of boards and i’d like to show you my maths create.

For my maths create I had made a Difficulty chart division pick a path (Division questions, two choices, progressively harder) and I would like to share it with you. If you would like to do it yourself or look at it then here it is. Make sure you do it in fullscreen so that it works and no spoilers and also make sure no asking in any sort of way what the answer is. Okay maybe for the last one.

Have you ever made something like this?

Marvelous Maths Board

Today I have been working on my math board and I would like to show you all of them. Each week I do a new slide on my maths board so if you can’t tell i’ve been doing it for 20 weeks! Each slide has effort and obviously math put into it. I am proud of my work and I hope you enjoy!

Have you aver done a maths board?

Oscar Romero

Today I will be showing you my Oscar Romero timeline. There are ten years on the timeline for you to read. Here it is:

Oscar Romero was born in 1917 in a family of ten in El Salvador. when he was 14 he wanted to be a Priest so he studied. He went to Rome to study about being a Priest and stayed during ww2. 1942 he was made a Priest and in 1970 he was made a Bishop. 1974 he became better than he could even dream of, an Archbishop. In 1980 a new president came and an option for the poor was avaliable and everything was back to normal but in the process Oscar Romero died. In 2009 it was confirmed Oscar Romero had died but they also found out he was a martyr. Pope Francis approved a miracle which was attributed to Oscar Romero.

Before this article did you know who Oscar Romero is?

Little Red And The Big Bad Wolf

The driving question for our PBL over Term 2 and part of this Term has been, “How can we as performing artists communicate positive messages to an audience?”

We learnt about The Arts, in particular the elements of Dance, Drama and Music. We read a number of fables or fairy tales and learnt about their positive message. We then took this learning and applied it to our own play writing script. 

In my group there was four people, Charlotte/Little Red, Adam/Hunter, Mareca/Grandmother and I/Wolf. We (Charlotte and Mareca) planned out what our script, and fairy tale was going to be.Click here to see our planning document. 

Once we had planned our ideas, we started to write our playwriting our script. The fairy tale or fable is based on a happy ever after place. The positive message that we wanted the audience to take away was The bad guy got shot by a gun.

This Google Slide shows everyone’s performance in Tumu, my group’s performance is on slide 19.

Something that I enjoyed about this project was helping Adam learn his lines and giving him felts.

Something that I found challenging or would change about this project was remembering my lines while recording. I even stumbled a little bit but it turned out okay.

I am most proud of this project because we all put effort into it and it came out with a good video based on Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf.

Have you ever been in a play before?


Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about Porridge the show. Lets go!

Porridge was a very long show. It took one and a half hours! Everybody played their part well and overall it was worth buying a ticket. There were eight songs: Once Upon A Crime, Porridge Pot, Porridge Pot Reprise, Boys In Blue, It’s Up To You, While The World Is Sleeping, Mulberry Bush, Old McDonald and Happily Ever After. I was in the chorus and so were a lot of other people. My favourite part was Dr Fosters because it’s really funny. Although maybe leaving to go home might’ve been better. Anyways if you didn’t see it you could probably see it online or maybe from that other school. Other than that that is all I have. What was your favourite part?

Super Science

Hello and welcome to my blog. This week in Tumu we have been lucky enough to be doing science. In science we have been learning about power this week we did an experiment on battery power. Here are the materials I used to make the circuit.

  • 2 batteries
  • 2 wires
  • Sticky tape
  • Lightbulb
  • Playdough


My hypothesis was incorrect because although the circuit couldn’t hold together by itself I managed to make the lightbulb light up by puting one of each ends of both wires on the batteries stacked on top of each other.


Have you ever done science and if so did you like it?