Come and see my Maths DLO!

Hi and welcome to my Maths DLO! Today I will be showing you…you guessed it, my Maths DLO! Let’s go!

This week we have been working on posters about Maths to put up around the hub to help people that might be stuck. Everybody is doing one and I would like to share mine with you. It’s not complete yet but it will be soon and i’m going to show you it now. Here it is:

I hope you like it but before you go I have a question for you, do you know what a common denominator is and what it means?

One thought on “Come and see my Maths DLO!

  1. Hi Sam,
    Good job on your blog. I think you could have added more words to your blog and added a bit more detail of what you mean with that poster and what colors you used to make it work. I think you could also add some more information about how you learned how to figure out the common denominators and how we can find a common denominator. Keep going and don’t give up on that poster so that maybe it will get hung up on the walls inside the hub. All that aside, good job and keep up the good work!

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